Friday, December 2, 2016

Game Design Minute - Art Style

I am currently finishing up my second game and while in the process of talking to my best friend about it he suggested that i do 3-4 Friday articles about my experience and what i learned from it.

The first one i want to talk about is art style.

 I know several of you are thinking "Don't you want to start with game concept?". At the time i am writing this i think this is the most important part to me. If you have ever tried to design a game the play-testing can be long and grueling. Especially when you are trying to get the rules and concept just right. I believe that what helped me with both projects was having a clear art design. For the first game i wanted the characters to look like ones from the TV show black adder. This enabled me to envision what the overall game looked like.

In the second game i failed to do this and finished the game design first and not the art. When i was done with the game i was stuck because i had no idea what the characters even looked like. Lucky for me i used my phone a friend (can i make a who wants to be a millionaire reference?) and they set me on a clear path.  You will have your initial concept of game play done for sure, but in my opinion nailing down your art direction really helps focus your vision.

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